Jebaraj: Church Planting & Evangelism Volume 2621

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Corona infection rate has started to increase again in our state since July 30. Shopping malls and some businesses in the main areas of C* city have been ordered to close until August 9th. If it increases, further curfews will be imposed across the state. Please keep us in your prayers. I have been doing outdoor activities in the church planting ministries. God gave us this wonderful opportunity for ministry. The last fifteen days, I have been wandering around my church planting area by bike. After three and a half months of curfew days, I have visited all the people with some other believers accompanying me for a big discipleship and planning meeting. By the abundant grace of God, I am conducting and preaching the discipleship classes for adults in three villages. We regularly have 12-15 people in attendance. I am very happy to continue in these villages. Please pray for these useful gatherings. During the curfew days, I was sharing the gospel and leading people in prayer by conference phone call prayers. Through this effort, 16 people showed interest to attend the village local evening house prayers and Sunday common worship. I am trying to meet each one in person in their homes. So far I have been able to reach out to nine of them during the last two weeks. I will continue to try to reach all of them. Some of the people have gone to other towns searching for new jobs. I will try to meet with their families to support them. After reopening our...

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2620

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj, South India During this pandemic period, in my church planting area, people are suffering greatly. Our Government can’t hear all the needs much less meet them. Very sad days ahead. People are feeling bad and deep depression. During this lockdown, we believe God is guiding us to help the fatherless, elderly, and widows who are in very poor condition. This morning, I went by bike to a local wholesale provision store to purchase vegetables and other staples to distribute to people. From the early morning, there were many many people standing in the social distance queue waiting to get into the store. After 1.5 hours of waiting in line, I was finally able to enter. And then it took much longer to get out. Using motorcycles, because cars and trucks are prohibited, we drove to areas of villages to distribute food. By the grace of Jesus, we met several people and many of them expressed their sighs of relief. Glory to God. As we distributed food to people, many street children came humbly requesting food and basic nutrition. The need is so very great. Please Pray for our area. Our God is a God of fatherless and widows… By God’s grace we will continue to help those who are needy and poor in our villages. Thank you for all your prayers and support!   In Christ and His service, JabeRaj Email: FaceBook: To support the ministry for the first time Click Here. To reenter your giving portal click here....

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2605

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj - Home Page South India THE POWER OF GOD – Last Sunday, Och** came to share her testimony in our prayer gathering. Och*** and her husband have a small cotton and sugarcane farm on their own land. Watering is must for their work. But from a few months ago, there is no rain in our area and their area groundwater level was zero. And their well was now dry. They wanted to dig deep in their well to search for water. But the neighbors advised them not to waste their money. They said some other farmers in their village tried this and failed. So they worried about this situation for some days. After reading the Bible, they decided to have faith in Jesus’ power to help them find water in their well. So this lady Och*** prayed earnestly! Then they called for the borewell lorry to dig in their well and at 450th feet the water came abundantly. PRAISE THE LORD! Everyone in the church gave praise to Jesus! We continue to do evangelism in Och*** village we are using this great miracle to give testimony to God. THE POWER OF PRAYER – During our prayer walk and talk with people, one teenage boy came for prayer and listened to the word God. His name is Jey***. His family background is very poor. but this boy is very much interest in a new job. His mother, Se*** always comes to house prayer and has many requests for finances and for Jey*** When Jey*** came desperately wanting God to help him find a good job. He had...

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2604

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj, South India Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I really thank God for His Guidance, Provision and Grace. He answering our prayers and doing great things through you in our church and our planting ministry. I want to thank all of my prayer partners and supporters. These stories are “our” stories as we partner together through love, prayer, support, and gifts. TWO PEOPLE PROCLAIM FAITH THROUGH BAPTISM: This past month, we went to a Sister’s house in a village I will call ABPI to conduct house prayer. There were eighteen people gathered. I shared the word of God, John.4:14, “But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up within him unto eternal life.” I explained that how Jesus saved and blessed that Samaritan women and through her, how numerous Samaritans of the town believed Jesus. In our culture, people can easily understand this passage situation. God convicted listeners heart. Two people were intently watching and listening and they made a big step to proclaim Jesus into their life by taking baptism. They understood this being baptized into Christ. This means they were being baptized out of something. This is a good point to always make.   EXPLAINING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KARMA AND ACCIDENT: We went as a team to a village I will call EHPI to visit the new comer’s houses. The church is doing so great we needed to visit two new houses. The first household included the husband, his wife, two children. The husband is working carpenter. Recently his son (14yrs) was in...

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2603

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj, South India Praise the lord. Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. I’m really Thank God for the Guidance in this church planting ministry and evangelism. Thanks for your earnest prayers and loving supports for this ministry. Many things are changing in India. I am now unable to use full village name or the full names of the people. You will see a code in place of village name and in place of the person’s name. Open air meetings: we’re going to proclaim the gospel in the main streets or main places in the villages. So that most of the people can hear the gospel. There will be gospel songs, testimonies and gospel messages. STKR and Family Now Becoming Followers: Monthly once we’re doing this ministry. three months before we went to E. Village to conduct open air meeting as a team. After the meeting one person, his name is SK, came to us and call to pray for his son PD. before six months, he met an road accident with bus. he was suffering lot with body damages. we went into his house and pray for him. then we shared gospel with that family. now they’re coming regularly to our church service. that boy PD walking casually with his parents. praise god. Jesus Touches Lady of Emotional Issue: Indoor gospel meetings: In villages, we gathered people at mini wedding halls, believers’ house upstairs or school campus. It’s fully organized for evangelism. Monthly once or twice we’re conducting like this to do evangelism. We started one indoor gospel meeting in our church believer...

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2601

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj, South India Church Planting: Praise God, we are constantly doing ministry in 16 villages in UPI area.  …Many things are changing in India. I am now unable to use full village name or the full names of the people. You will see a code in place of village name and in place of the person’s name. Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support! I’m conducting evening house prayer at 8 villages and 3 in local. God is saving villagers’ soul through the power of his Gospel. Every Sunday 70-80 people are attending and worshiping Jesus Christ. God is doing great and mighty things in their lives. Many were healed, received unbelievable miracles and delivered in Jesus name. God Healed Hole in Heart, Lady Baptized Later! One child named, PNA, she was 3-years old and lived in KPI area of India. Her parents said their child was suffering with a hole in her heart from birth. When they heard of our prayer meeting, they came with PNA for prayer. God healed must have healed the child on the spot. The following days, the parents took PNA back to the doctors and the doctors said their was no more hole in her heart after three years. There was no explanation. On the coming Sunday, the parents shared the testimony with the old and new medical Dr’s reports in their hand. They accepted Jesus Christ and immediately they took baptism. Do The Work of An Evangelist! Evangelism: Recently I wrote and released in tamil language gospel tract- “Nee Virumbugirabadi Unakku Aagakadavathu” (Title: Let it be to...