Girl’s Baby Home Russal Volume 2607

Baby Girl Home Russal, Kamari, and Staff Courthouse Battle For Right To Keep Girls – I am standing outside the courthouse house with Karmari. It seems as though we have been living here the past year struggling with the go government with the rights to keep the girls. As you can read throughout the blog, people in our State wanted one child.  The Eastern slogan: “We two, but we are one.”  This means the government only wanted us to have one child. Because of customs in India, girls are very expensive to care for and raise, so everyone wants a boy. In villages, some people were killing the infant girls and we rescued them from death. These people didn’t want to get caught by the police so their paperwork they gave us was incorrect. Now, we are in a big battle to keep the girls out of “bad orphanages.” Thus far we have spent $15,000 in legal fees. We are expecting to spend another $6000. We need 21 churches to raise $1,000 each of our children so we can finish this epic struggle. Baby Grace is Momma Grace- She is just nine-years-old, she is the Little-House-Mom: Grace talks about how she loves all her sisters and feels a responsibility to care for them. She participates in the school game; she played well so she got a certificate in the school annual day. New Requirement, New Opportunity! This academic year nine of our girls are going to the same school, our school system in our district makes it mandatory that all parents move their child every step to a school with...

Girl’s Baby Home Russal Volume 2606

Baby Girls Home Ministry Russal & Kumari Greetings: I am Russal Raj and my wife Kumari Russal, while working with the Bitner’s church planting team in an organization called Youth With A Mission we started visiting many remote villages where the people were rejecting their baby girls. We were not able to have children and when we were praying about this, God spoke to us using Gen. 17:4. “As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shall be a father of many nations” (Our Tamil Bible says: “you shall be a father of many Children”). We realized that God had a plan for us and He was going to fulfill it. After this, I had a dream that ‘many small fish were dying because they were out of water. People were stepping on the fish. Some of them were already dead while others were still dying. However, no one cared about any of the fish at all. In the dream, Kumari and I took all the fish and put them back into the water safely. After I woke-up I shared the dream with my wife. She told me that she had the same dream! This confirmed Genesis 17:4 in us, and we accepted that God wanted us to save the baby girls from the horrid death that awaited them. Getting Started We started saving lives. We didn’t care much about who cared; these girls were being killed and we were going to try to stop as many as possible. In some districts the people believe that baby girls are not well and a curse to their...


CHURCH PLANTING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Samuel Paul, India Greetings from Pastor Samuel Paul and Priscilla, How are you and your family? By the grace of God we are all doing well. God has blessed us with many different blessings as we have seen His hand change the hardhearted Hindu, the sick, and nurture the believers. 1. God has enabled us to baptize 9 people recently. 2. We have two Lamb of God Schools in Different places; 4 House Churches; and twice I went North India to reach the Unreached People in the State of Maharashtra. Church Ministry 65 people are now regularly coming to our church. Through 11 Gospel Meetings and 2 crusades, we could share the Gospel to many People in our area. Nine people are taken Water baptism. All of them from Hindu Backgrounds but now they are Worshiping Our Lord Jesus Christ. (Previously They Were Eligible for Death. Now They Are Great Eligible for Eternal Life) Praise God. Community Development Program Ravichandiren and His wife are staying in our church and are coming to all the meetings. I believe that are believing will soon will take baptism. As we do every year, we had special program in our Church for our Nation’s Independence Day and we did a Rally for Non-Christians. We Invited our Village President Mr.Ravi as a Guest. There was a huge turn out and I think many lives were touched. We honored Mr. Ravi with a gift like the free gift we have in Christ. Leprosy people and Orphanage Children During our ministry time, we gave them nice dresses, food and cakes. Mrs.Kavitha...

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2603

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj, South India Praise the lord. Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. I’m really Thank God for the Guidance in this church planting ministry and evangelism. Thanks for your earnest prayers and loving supports for this ministry. Many things are changing in India. I am now unable to use full village name or the full names of the people. You will see a code in place of village name and in place of the person’s name. Open air meetings: we’re going to proclaim the gospel in the main streets or main places in the villages. So that most of the people can hear the gospel. There will be gospel songs, testimonies and gospel messages. STKR and Family Now Becoming Followers: Monthly once we’re doing this ministry. three months before we went to E. Village to conduct open air meeting as a team. After the meeting one person, his name is SK, came to us and call to pray for his son PD. before six months, he met an road accident with bus. he was suffering lot with body damages. we went into his house and pray for him. then we shared gospel with that family. now they’re coming regularly to our church service. that boy PD walking casually with his parents. praise god. Jesus Touches Lady of Emotional Issue: Indoor gospel meetings: In villages, we gathered people at mini wedding halls, believers’ house upstairs or school campus. It’s fully organized for evangelism. Monthly once or twice we’re conducting like this to do evangelism. We started one indoor gospel meeting in our church believer...

Church Planting & Evangelism Jebaraj Volume 2601

CHURCH PLANTING & EVANGELISM Jebaraj, South India Church Planting: Praise God, we are constantly doing ministry in 16 villages in UPI area.  …Many things are changing in India. I am now unable to use full village name or the full names of the people. You will see a code in place of village name and in place of the person’s name. Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support! I’m conducting evening house prayer at 8 villages and 3 in local. God is saving villagers’ soul through the power of his Gospel. Every Sunday 70-80 people are attending and worshiping Jesus Christ. God is doing great and mighty things in their lives. Many were healed, received unbelievable miracles and delivered in Jesus name. God Healed Hole in Heart, Lady Baptized Later! One child named, PNA, she was 3-years old and lived in KPI area of India. Her parents said their child was suffering with a hole in her heart from birth. When they heard of our prayer meeting, they came with PNA for prayer. God healed must have healed the child on the spot. The following days, the parents took PNA back to the doctors and the doctors said their was no more hole in her heart after three years. There was no explanation. On the coming Sunday, the parents shared the testimony with the old and new medical Dr’s reports in their hand. They accepted Jesus Christ and immediately they took baptism. Do The Work of An Evangelist! Evangelism: Recently I wrote and released in tamil language gospel tract- “Nee Virumbugirabadi Unakku Aagakadavathu” (Title: Let it be to...