Rescue and Restore Ministry
Freddy & Daisy, India –HOME PAGE
Restoration House, Evangelism, Church Planting, Street Ministry, Slum Ministries

Greetings from Freddy, Daisy, and the children in our street kids ministry!

The last few months have been very tough. We have had many people die amongst our loved ones in the ministry and also in our families. God has been faithful to us in the area of emotional needs.

Rescue and Restore Ministries reaches out to children in need, destitute women, and young widows.

Ministry Time - We were able to have our widow’s program, women’s programs, and children’s programs during the lockdown period.

Street Kids - Many of the children who live on the streets, lost their parents and families during the pandemic. We gathered the children for prayer about the present situation. We placed a map of India out and the children started praying for India. They lit candles and claimed God’s healing to come over our land.

Outreach Program - Here is one story about a family who came to the Lord through our Outreach Program.

The dad’s name is R*. His wife’s name is M*. They have two daughters who really need education care. The father is working a loading job and the mother is a housemaid. They live in the slums. We are actively helping them to know how to care for their family and children. They saw Jesus through us. God saved them!

Prayer Needs
1. Pray for the new shelter building.
2. Pray for the finances to build the shelter.
3. Pray for the staff and the children for their health needs.
4. Pray for the monthly financial needs of the shelter.

5. During this time of the pandemic, our staff was greatly reduced as the staff workers went home to stay with their families. Many of our staff live by faith. Please pray for them when you think of them. It will be a great encouragement and support for them to run for God to fulfill their commitment.

Again, we couldn’t help the poor in India without you.

May God bless you abundantly

Freddy Paul & Daisy Chennai