Girl’s Baby Home
“Destitute’s Charitable Trust”
Our Start in Saving Babies from Infanticide:
Greetings in Jesus name, this is our privilege to share with you about our ministry and what we are doing for the kingdom of God in Chennai, India. Thanks for your valuable time through this site and information. “Destitute New Born Girl Babies Home” is in the State of Tamil Nadu. We are saving the lives of baby girls who otherwise through believes of some parents would be killed.
Some district people believe that baby girls are not well and a cur
se to their family. So they reject them as soon as they are born. In this site, we are giving some short details about how babies are abandoned, how we are saving baby girls from their death, as well as our other tasks of rescuing baby girls.
Something about us and our Vision:
I am Russal Raj and my wife Kumari Russal, we were both raised in Christian families and committed to the mission after our marriage. From 1998 to May 2006 we were trained and working in an organization called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). We were involved with the Church Planting Team and worked with the local churches to train the lay leaders to reach the unreached people of Tamil Nadu with Tommy and Sonya Bitner. Through this ministry we were visited many remote villages where the people are
rejecting their baby girls.
As we were helping plant many churches, we saw many terrible things! Our hearts broke for the lives of the innocent baby girls. We discussed this with our team members and leaders; our hearts were grieving for these baby girls.
We had lots of questions in our hearts and asked God why this happening? And who is going to save these babies from the death? And also we prayed, Lord, we want to save these babies for you, if you want to use us. Please give us a conformation! Then we know that you are with us. We didn’t want to do anything in our name or with our own will. For years we were keep praying like this. During this time, we learned and gained experience. Also, Kumari had a uterus problem and suffering every month, God completely healed her within these years after many doctor visits.
Conformation of the Vision:
Even though Kumari was healed, we were unable to have children. Throughout our ministry experience we prayed for many people who couldn’t conceive a baby. God heard our prayers and blessed many couples with a beautiful child. We continued pray and have others to pray for our own conception, but this was not God’s will for us. We had many prayerful questions concerning this issue. One day during prayer I asked, “God what plan do you have for us? Why are you not giving us a baby?” God spoke clearly with the scripture of Gen. 17:4. “As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shall be a father of many nations?” (Our Tamil Bible says: “you shall be a father of many Children”) we realized that God had a plan for us and He was going to fulfill it. After that I had
a dream that “many small fish were dying because they were out of water. People were stepping on the fish; some of them were already dead while others were in dying condition. But no one cared about them. Kumari and I took all the fish and put them back into the water safely.”
After I woke-up I shared the dream with my wife, she told me that she had the same dream! We realize that God wanted to save the babies that we were being killed though us. We also felt very strongly that we should not wait a second longer. These babies were “out of water like the fish in the dream” so to speak and they were being killed. We had to get started. We praised God for the confirmation and started making preparations.
Started to save Babies:
After this confirmation, we started to do some research on where and how these babies were being reject and killed. We collected lots of information, visited some organizations and talked with many leaders with lots of experience, and listened to
some helpful advice. Slowly but surely we were getting ready. Our years of prayer was fulfilled at God’s time. On 23rd June 2006 we registered our non-profit
organization named “Destitute Charitable Trust” and we started our Baby home. “Praise the Lord!” One by one we saved ten lovely baby girls so far. If we wrote all the stories about the things we faced as we were saving these baby girls it would easily cover more than hundred pages. Needless to say, there was a lot of opposition and embarrassment on the other side of line. In our culture, this will continue to cause much problems and difficulties for the rest of our lives.
A Short Story of receiving Babies:
I will give you one story shortly. We saved our second baby ANGELINE on 11-08-2006. Between the first and second baby, there are ten days. Everything was happening fast and was still brand new for us. About two-weeks, the parents came with some village people and asked for the return of their baby, but they could find Angel—we were long gone from that village. We are away from anyone they know. However, our contact person called us by telephone and explained the situation he was in. Kumari and I cri
ed over the baby. We didn’t trust giving our lovely baby back to people who once wanted to kill her—we didn’t want to give our baby back! We didn’t know what to do in this situation. I talked with some other friends and got their opinion. All of them said the baby is better to be with her parents, so you give baby back to biological parents. Again we both pray to God and asked Him for Wisdom. We didn’t have any peace in our hearts to give baby back to them—again, how could we trust someone who wanted to kill their baby!?! Then God gave me a thought to ask the people why they want to have their baby back? Immediately, I called our contact person, and said, “Go to the village and find the reason why they wanted their baby back, now.” There the truth came out, their parents went to the magician.
The magician said “If your baby stays alive anywhere in the world, then she will bring curse to your family. Go, find the baby, and kill her immediately.”
I said him, “Go back to the people and talk with them boldly. Tell them if you do not leave from here immediately we will make complaint to the police and put all of you into the jail for attempted murder.” You are seeking baby to murder, we have witnesses in the village. So he told the people, and the people turn back. Praise the Lord! Now, the lovely baby Angel. She is growing with joy in God’s presence.
Angel just completed her eight years. She had a heart problem that led to an open heart surgery on 2nd December 2011. She is all right now and growing fast. When we see her smile, our heart is spilling over with joy and gladness. Always we thank God for the way he leading us and protecting our babies, each babies has thrilling stories like this. Other details and the great stories are given in this site. So please take a moment and go through. We urge you to keep praying for us and our baby girls.
How many babies we want to save?
We are not only just saving babies from being murdered; we want to stop this practice. We conduct many awareness programs in the villages where the murdering is happening. We educate them on how wrong it is to murder babies, that babies are a gift from God, how they can care for them and so on. Since we began conducting these programs in the villages, we have seen changes in their mindset and the number of babies being murdered is going down.
70% of infanticide has stopped in our region
We are sure within several years this practice will no longer be happening. But this
moment, 30 percentage babies still being killed. We want to save more, as much we can.
Growth and health of babies:
Ten of our babies are going to an English school and learning three languages (English, Tamil and Hindi) school Principal and teachers said to us that all these children are very special to us, very good obedience, learning well and being very neat in the class room, showing the love of God with all other class met. That is really great, at home, they sit with us in the family prayer, sing and pray with us, we are teaching them to love Jesus and pray to him. From childhood they started the culture to love Jesus, when a baby do any mistake they say “do not do that, Jesus didn’t do it like this?”
In the school also, if one child gets feels sick, one says: “We pray to Jesus, He hear our prayer and heals us, so if you pray to Jesus.” We are glad to hear these reports also from the school teachers. The teachers enjoy watching children Christian worship.
We have a music master coming and teaching Indian classical music, it really great to see them sing. This academic year 2015-2016 we got admission in an International school, its a really God’s miracle, we are so grateful to God for our kids going to study in a international school, we are sure that they are going to be a great witness for the world.
Destitute?s Charitable Trust, is a Charitable Trust in the service of mankind, is based at Chennai, India. Established with registration no.2278 dt.23.06.2006.
Destitute?s Charitable Trust has been doing service for young female victims of abandonment due to cultural and sexual discrimination in India. We are also registered under Sec.12 AA of the IT Act. [Last update: 02-2013]
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. You can follow us and our girls lives through the following ways:
Our Experience:
- High School certificate
- 48 University credit hours towards a degree in Biblical Studies
- Eight years ministry experience in YWAM
- Evangelism and Church Planting training and leadership with YWAM
- Care cell master training

- Children ministry master training
- Counseling master training
- Administration (SOA. School of Office Administration)
- Social health and Community Development
- Social network and Children Development
- Leadership master training
- Computer courses.
- High School certificate

- Two-years of Bible College with a diploma
- 24 credit hours with the University of the Nations
- Eight years ministry experience in YWAM.