is the most effectual way YOU can reach the nations.

Advance the kingdom of God by choosing a project and uniting with a missionary who has the same interests as you.
We encourage you to use the S.H.A.P.E. (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences) link as you go through this process.

equipping one another [1] Select a missionary and a project

Are you wanting to minister cross-culturally in a field of your interest?  Search for a missionary who is equipping others and who has a similar ministry heart or S.H.A.P.E as you.  Click on “Missionaries” to see the variety of projects and missionaries.  Also, take the Spiritual gift assessment and the Heart assessment to ensure a solid match!

[2] Engage with the missionary and the project

On the missionary pages you will find information about the missionary and his or her project.  We encourage you to talk directly to the missionary and communicate any valuable information or ideas you have.  You can take an Abilities assessment to help you figure out how your abilities can best help the missionary.

[3] Develop the Community

Through direct communication via the internet, you can find new ways to impact the missionary’s life and community.  Sometimes this might be as easy as sending them a recent book that you have read or a teaching on DVD that you might have.  There is so much more to Equipping a missionary and a project than just giving money.  As you become more involved, please take a Personality assessment.  Better understanding your personality can help you to more effectively work together with the missionary.

4] Reach the Nations

Please take the Experiences assessment and study how your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personalities, and Experiences design your unique S.H.A.P.E. for talking to others about the project you are equipping.  This will help you link together with other Equippers.  Secondly, with our help, your S.H.A.P.E. can assist you in preparing a team to go see your missionary.  Thirdly, your S.H.A.P.E. can be used to host your missionary at your church.  All of these ideas will expand everyone’s sphere of influence in completing the Great Commission.

“Know and love your missionary, the project, and the community.  This is the difference between a donor and an equipper.”