South India

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I really thank God for His Guidance, Provision and Grace. He answering our prayers and doing great things through you in our church and our planting ministry. I want to thank all of my prayer partners and supporters. These stories are “our” stories as we partner together through love, prayer, support, and gifts.

Par1TWO PEOPLE PROCLAIM FAITH THROUGH BAPTISM: This past month, we went to a Sister’s house in a village I will call ABPI to conduct house prayer. There were eighteen people gathered. I shared the word of God, John.4:14, “But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up within him unto eternal life.” I explained that how Jesus saved and blessed that Samaritan women and through her, how numerous Samaritans of the town believed Jesus. In our culture, people can easily understand this passage situation. God convicted listeners heart. Two people were intently watching and listening and they made a big step to proclaim Jesus into their life by taking baptism. They understood this being baptized into Christ. This means they were being baptized out of something. This is a good point to always make.


EXPLAINING THE DIFFPar2ERENCE BETWEEN KARMA AND ACCIDENT: We went as a team to a village I will call EHPI to visit the new comer’s houses. The church is doing so great we needed to visit two new houses. The first household included the husband, his wife, two children. The husband is working carpenter. Recently his son (14yrs) was in a tragic bus accident. He is currently suffering emotionally and physically form this. I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with them and explain the love of God this heartbroken family. I was able to explain that the bus accident wasn’t karma and that bad things happen to good people. We prayed for them and planned a return visit.


SMALL LEVEL BUSINESS LOAN FOR THE POOR: We went to another house and met a single mom and her three daughters. They are doing a small level business to keep their family together and off the streets. If children are put on the strcowseets, very bad things can happen to them. They’re experiencing so many heartbreaking problems in her family. This is a family who is trying and would do well with a small no-interest business loan to get them out of trouble. This is something we are praying about setting up. I shared the Gospel about Matt.7:11. It says, “How much more will your Father Who is in heaven give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!” I focused on God’s love, He hears our prayers, and meets our needs. Our God wants a relationship and can help us! Finally I prayed for her family’s peace and blessing. God Blessed them. Now they’re doing milk business little level with 4 cows in their house. We will follow-up with this family.

In a village with will call UPTI two people came forward in a Hindu culture to publicly confess Christ as Lord in Savior in the baptismal waters. That evening I gave baptism to them. We have been ministering in this area for some time and to see the fruit of our labors in baptism always makes me happy and rejoice with the angels in Heaven. I really thank God for this.


house of peaceFINDING HOMES OF PEACE DURING EVANGELISM: On a Sunday evening, we went as a team by van to a village I will call MDHI to do open air meeting. It’s not too far from us and it makes it easy to take the church for evangelism and discipleship. We shared gospel at two main places on that village. Our team distributed tracts to every houses. After that, three household invited us in their home to pray for their family. Prayer is the first step in opening the hearts to the gospel and the village. We pray that God blessed this ministry. Please be in prayer with us!


worshipOPEN AIR WORSHIP TEACHES HOW TO LOVE GOD: At the end of the month, on a Sunday evening, we arranged a special concert for worship for all the believers. We have this worship time to demonstrate to the new comers how to worship Jesus. They are all came from idol worship, and they need to see how to worship the true God in Spirit and in Truth. I could tell as I looked around that the Holy Spirit was moving and the people were blessed and seemed to learn a lot through the words of the songs. This was confirmed when we came back and arranged a dinner for them. We had good fellowship, talked, and learned very much about our worship experience. We will be doing more. They loved it! Worship is a wonderful way to open the hearts of the people.

Thank for all of your prayers, efforts and concern about my ministry. God is with You.

Please understand why we are using codes as I write.

In Christ and His service,








Equip The Nations